IZRA, Inštitut za zgodovinske raziskave je bil ustanovljen leta 2021 in izvaja znanstvenoraziskovalno delo na področju zgodovinopisja ter skrbi za promocijo zgodovine. Njegovi začetki segajo v leto 2014, ko smo ustanovitelji inštituta zagnali projekt Zgodovina na dlani z istoimensko spletno stranjo, ki na enem mestu s pomočjo novodobnih komunikacijskih kanalov in naprav odpira svet zgodovinopisja širokemu krogu ljudi. V luči potreb današnje družbe, predvsem pa vsesplošnega pomanjkanja časa smo zgradili platformo, ki na eni strani ljubiteljem zgodovine olajša dostop do te tematike, na drugi pa ustvarjalcem vsebine omogoča, da ima njihovo delo čim večji doseg.
In our Institution, we try to step outside the established frameworks of similar institutes and we are trying to connect with companies and different organizations, which work in the field of historiography and co-related interests. At the same time, we are slowly stepping into the field of tourism. We are trying to culturalize this economic branch and contribute to its evolution by linking it to the activities which work on the preservation and development of cultural heritage, art, and social-cultural content.
History is not just a thing of the past, it is rather a basis for understanding the present and with the right understanding gives hope for a better future.
full name: IZRA, Institute of historical research
short name: Institute IZRA
established: April 6th 2021
address: Ziherlova 39, 1000 Ljubljana
Registration number: 8846740000
ID for VAT: 86904604
director: dr. Aleš Šafarič
Bank account: SI56 6100 0002 5430 546